Unless something has changed since I was a programmer, getting any answer from a computer requires providing the answer to the computer. That means you would have to collect (millions) of questions with appropriate answers. Let’s say you were willing to compile all that. In case of “moral” questions, your answers would have to be what? What you believe? What is a current belief? What’s in the Bible? Etc. In other words, I think the answers would totally depend upon the designers’ beliefs. (I don’t understand how AI works, so perhaps it can really create its own answers and the above method is no longer used.)

In the early 80’s there was a fun program (app) that acted like a counselor, using the Socratic method. You would pose a problem and for example, when it would detect a feeling it might offer “Why do you feel that way?” When you answered that it might say “What ideas do you have about doing something that would help?” It could go on for a long time. That was before our current laptops, and was on the machine sold by Radio Shack. I don’t remember its name nor the name of the program, which was “Ask ________?”

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