The Democrats are having conniptions because they know they will be blamed if the United States defaults and the global economy crashes. All they wanna do is spend us taxpayers hard-earned money by the trillions.

Their social engineering plans are a boondoggle of incomparable size. They will spend us into oblivion, consequences be damned.

Thank goodness the Republicans have more sense. Ever since Ronald Reagan, they have wanted smaller government and less spending. Much better for us taxpayers.

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Final meltdown looms because Democrats incessant need to spend away everything on useless programs that are not related to the infrastructure part!

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Well, Warren, again you wrote an excellent piece with many facts and a full explanation of what the “debt ceiling” is. I had no idea as my comprehension or interest of anything involving numbers or finance is nil save figuring out the amount of a tip after a meal: 10%, 15% or 20%? I do know that 1 and 1 is Two!! That’s about it!

Thank you for your incitefull and well researched commentary..

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